Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Matthew and Hannah love our backyard. We have bird feeders outside our back window, and the kids love watching the birds fly in. This morning was quite colorful - I saw an Oriole and a Cardinal. The kids have even learned to identify male and female robins. The other excitement is the bunnies. Hannah wanted me to buy bunny food when we were in the animal section of Menards. I explained to her that the bunnies find enough food on their own in the backyard, and she stopped worrying about it. She was concerned that the bunnies might get to hungry.

Besides the wildlife, we also have a new slide/playhouse in the backyard. We still need to add a swingset, but it has a fort section, and looks like fun. It has one of those twisted tube slides, so Matthew loves it, but Hannah gets a little scared of the covered slides. Hannah is definitely the more cautious one, but sometimes she surprises me. Of course, now that they have played in the bounce house, I think that Hannah would do that in her sleep if she could.

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